A graph is consists of nodes and edges
- Path: A path leads from node a to node b through edges of the graph.
- Length: The length of a path is the number of edges in it.
- Cycle: A path is a cycle if the first and last node is the same.
- Simple: A path is simple if each node appears at most once in the path.
1. Connectivity¶
A graph is connected if there is a path between any two nodes.
- Components: Connected parts of its grpah.
- Tree: a tree is a connected graph that consists of $n$ nodes and $n-1$ edges.
2. Edge directions¶
A graph is directed if the edges can be traversed in one direction only
3. Edge weights¶
In a weighted graph, each edge is assigned a weight. often interpreted as edge length
4. Neighbors and degrees¶
Two nodes are $neighbors$ or $adjacent$ if there is an edge between them
- Degree: The degrege of a node is number of its neighbors
- Indegree: The indegree of a node is the number of edges that end at the node
- Outdegree: The outdegree of a node is the number of edges that start at the node
- Regular graph: A graph is regular if the degree of every node is a constant d
- Complete graph: A graph is complete if the degree of every node is $n-1$
In a coloring of a graph, each node is assigned a color so that no adjacent nodes have the same color
- Bipartite: A graph is bipartite if it is possible to color it using two colors
It turns out that a graph is bipartite exactly when it does not contain a cycle with an odd number of edges
A graph is simple if no edge starts and ends at the same node(loop), and there are no multiple edges between two nodes.
Graph representation¶
There are several ways to represent graphs in algorithms. The choice of a data structure depends on the size of graph and the way the algorithm processes it
1. Adjacency list representation¶
In the adjacency list representation, each node x in the graph is assigned an adjacency list that consists of nodes to which there is an edge from x
- we can efficiently find the nodes to which we can move from a given node through an edge
2. Adjacency matrix representation¶
An adjacency matrix is two dimensional array that indicates which edges the graph contains.
- we can efficiently check from an adjacency matrix if there is an edge between two nodes.
3. Edge list representation¶
An edge list contains all edges of a graph in some order.
- This is convenient way to represent a graph if the algorithm proesses all edges of the graph and it is not needed to find edges that start at a given node.