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Shortest Paths

Shortest Paths

Finding a shortest path between two nodes of a graph is an important problem that has many practical applications.

In an uweighted graph, the length of a path equals the number of its edges, and we can simply use breath-first search to find a shortest path. However, in this chapter we focus on weighted graphs where more sophisticated algorithms are needed for shortest paths.


$n = \text{number of nodes}$, $m = \text{number of edges}$

TimeComplexity DS -
Bellman-Ford $\Omicron(nm)$ edge list neg-cycle detection
SPFA $\Omicron(nm)$
Dijkstra $\Omicron(n + m\lg(m))$ adjacency lists no neg edges
Floyd-Warshall $\Omicron(n^3)$ adjacency matrix finds all shortest paths between the nodes
