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Basics of Tree Algorithms


A tree is a connected, acyclic graph that consist of $n$ nodes and $n-1$ edges.

Removing any edges from a tree divides it into two components, and adding any edge to a tree creates a cycle.

Moreover, there is always a unique path between any two nodes of a tree.


leaves of a tree are the nodes with degree 1, i.e., with only one neighbor

Rooted tree

In a rooted tree, one of the nodes is appointed the root of the tree, and all other nodes are placed underneath the root.

Children & Parent of a node

In a rooted tree, the children of a node are its lower negibors, and the parent of a node is its upper neighbor.

Recursive structure

The structure of rooted tree is recursive

each node of the tree ats as the root of subtree that contains the node itself and all nodes that are in the subtrees of its children
