How To Contribute¶
This is My first open source project under very active development and
is also being used to ship code to everybody on
BaekJoonOnlineJudge and so on.
I'm still working out to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, but I'm not quite there yet.
Hopefully this document makes the process for contributing clear and answers some quiestions that you may have.
Code of Conduct¶
I adopted a Code of Conduct that i expect project participants to adhere to. You can see full document of Code Of Conduct.
1. copy & pastable¶
All the codes in this site are ready-to-be-compiled that means you could just copy & paste it to see it works.
2. Compatibility¶
Data Structure implementations should be compatible with C++ STL.
ex) sort(Your_implementation.begin(), Your_implementation.end()) should work.
Use template for your convinience¶
there's a template for contribute